Students often stop to admire their peers’ work, including detailed self-portraits, personalized Greek shields, artistic drawings of dogs, lizards and other creatures, and 3-D sketches of world-wide architecture.
The boys love art class because it is an opportunity for them to create and express themselves in a new way. A typical lesson starts with a class discussion on a form of art and a particular artist. Next, a teacher demonstration unfolds and the boys create their own piece of artwork. The older grades explore topics such as pop or optical illusion art, comic strip frames and wire art. The younger boys love working with clay, making puppets, and building robots with recycled nuts, bolts and paper tubes. Nothing makes the boys feel prouder than presenting their masterpieces to the class.
Art class also lends itself to helping the events at Linbrook come to life. The boys can often be seen designing the sets for their own productions, whether it be for a concert, a play, a special assembly or graduation.